A critical milestone has been reached in favour of the Traditional Math proponents. At tonight's school board meeting, a small yet significant item on this evening's agenda will be deliberated and voted on. This item proposes having an opt-in option for traditional math. Months of e-mails, faxes, citizen comments, letters to the editor, and a solid math forum have come to this. Join the ranks of citizens at the Edward L. Kelly Leadership Center. Those at home can still catch the action on channel 18 (Comcast), channel 36 (Verizon), or
watch the meeting live on the Web.
Go Team! :)
I watched some of the meeting online last night. The beginning portion was heavily in favour of investigations. I don't recall hearing all too much out of the MI crew before, but here they were with plenty of comments to spare. Hmmm. I wonder where they came from.
From reading the responses on the Yahoo! Math Forum, it appears as if there was no vote taken. The discussion afterwards, however, is something else. Numerous reports erupted that a couple school board members spewed vitriol during the board's comment time. A poster at the Forum wrote:
Apparently PWCS staff are spreading misinformation. I'd like to clarify that I was at the meeting and there were no chairs thrown and there was no swearing as parents left the board room during Lattin's comments. The only word that was said was, "Rude."
Man! Now I wish I'd attended the meeting in-person.
Relive all 5 hours and 37 minutes, if you so desire. Fast forward to the last 20 minutes for the best parts.
Action item on the February 4th agenda. It states:
That the Prince William County School Board direct the Superintendent that the textbook series "Investigations in Number, Data and Space" shall not be used as the primary textbook for 5th Grade instruction, but materials in the series may be used to supplement the currently approved 5th Grade textbook.
Hopefully, this item will go forward at the next meeting. Traditional math has been waiting a long time for this.